Wild Steelheaders United is working to increase the number of officially recognized anadromous streams by using community science – going to select Tongass National Forest watersheds and surveying the area for steelhead.
Today, 70 percent of the major steelhead populations in Oregon, Idaho, Washington and California require federal protection and opportunities to catch wild steelhead have diminished dramatically in many rivers.
The Initiative and associated group, Wild Steelheaders United, is a new, organized way for anglers (regardless of whether a person fishes gear or fly, bait or lure) to become more informed about wild steelhead biology and ecology, keep abreast of the latest management and policy issues, to learn about wild steelhead fishing opportunities, and to become educated about
Above all, it is a home to anyone who believes in the quest to protect these fish.
wild steelheader News
Time to go all in
It’s high time we admit we got it wrong and current efforts are no longer cutting it for salmon and steelhead survival on the lower Snake.
Klamath reconnected: The four dams are gone
The four dams on the Klamath River are gone, and the watershed is reconnected from the Pacific Ocean to its headwaters in Southern Oregon for the first time in over a century.
WDFW Begins Development of Native Trout Harvest Management Policy
The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) recently began development of a new policy to guide management and fisheries for resident native trout.
join us
We steelheaders share a common vision of the future of wild steelhead and know what has to be done to bring them back. Together, we can make that vision a reality. With millions of dollars, countless staff and volunteer hours invested in restoring wild steelhead habitat, Trout Unlimited has launched the Wild Steelhead Initiative to make sure those investments (along with the efforts of countless other organizations) pay dividends. For more information please visit tu.org.