In this week’s Science Friday we examine a new study that sheds light on the alarming mechanisms and impacts of the rapid shift in egg size of fish reared in hatcheries.
A New Scientific Resource to Better Understand the Global Impacts of Hatchery Fish on Wild Salmonids
A literature Review led by Trout Unlimited shows over 80 percent of global, peer-reviewed research on the topic has found an adverse effect on wild salmonid populations in freshwater and marine environments.
Science Friday: It’s not all about steelhead
We look at a new paper that digs into the factors leading harbor seal to prey on juvenile steelhead and the abundance of both coho and Chinook salmon during the steelhead outmigration window to understand how these pulses of hatchery salmon impact the weekly survival of steelhead moving through Puget Sound.
Key Questions Surrounding the WDFW’s Hatchery White Paper
In Part Two of our hatchery white paper review, our Science Advisor provides further insights into the impacts of hatchery steelhead management on Washington Coastal systems.
A WDFW Internal Evaluation of Coastal Steelhead Hatchery Programs Points to Needed Changes
In late August, WDFW published a white paper that highlights data gaps and lack of compliance with Statewide Steelhead Management Plan guidelines for coastal steelhead hatchery programs.
Hatcheries can’t save Snake River salmon and steelhead
Today, there are many so-called “mitigation hatcheries” in the Snake River basin that are intended to produce enough salmon and steelhead to make up for the wild fish that were lost when their habitat was blocked by dams.
TU comments: Proposed Changes to Listed Salmon and Steelhead Hatchery Programs
December 20, 2016 Chris Yates Assistant Regional Administrator Protected Resources Division NMFS, West Coast Regional Office Attn: Claire McGrath 1201 NE Lloyd Blvd., Suite 1100 Portland, OR 97232 Re: Proposed Changes to Listed Salmon and Steelhead Hatchery Programs . Dear Mr. Yates: Trout Unlimited (TU), the nation’s largest coldwater fisheries conservation organization dedicated to protecting and restoring our …