Science Friday: Why are half pounders declining in the Trinity River?

In Science Friday by Nick Chambers

When anglers dream of steelhead, they mostly fantasize about fish that have spent 2-4 years in the ocean and return to freshwater to spawn as full adults, packing four or more pounds and brutish power into their physique. However, one of the most common forms of returning steelhead in some rivers is not the adult, but the so-called half-pounder.   …

Steelhead 101: Using weirs to estimate adult steelhead escapement

In Oregon, Science Friday by Nick Chambers

Recently we have described how scientists use redd counts and snorkel surveys to estimate steelhead escapement. This week we focus on weirs, a totally different way of counting steelhead. Rather than sending out surveyors to sample stretches of stream where they count redds or fish, the operation of a weir is much simpler. A weir basically blocks the river and …

6 Reasons sonar is so cool for steelhead

In Oregon, Science Friday, Washington by steelheaders

If you’re trying to manage steelhead, one of the more difficult tasks you will have is getting an accurate picture of what populations are doing over a given time.   Unlike many of their brethren, steelhead don’t put all their “eggs in one basket.” Runs are timed throughout the year, often during times of high water and poor visibility. This …

The Wild Steelheader Dec. 2016

In Newsletter: The Wild Steelheader, Oregon by steelheaders

 December 28, 2016 It’s been more than two years since Trout Unlimited’s Wild Steelhead Initiative left the boat ramp. This initiative was born of committed steelhead anglers whose hope for a brighter future for wild steelhead is matched by their stubbornness in fighting for the improvements in habitat and policy required to realize this vision. For too long, steelhead management …

Skagit should be managed wild

In Oregon by steelheaders

Wild Steelheaders United, call for Skagit River watershed also to be managed for wild steelhead CONTACT: Rob Masonis, 206-491-9016, John McMillan, 360-797-3215, SEATTLE – Wild Steelheaders United and Trout Unlimited praised the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife’s decision, announced today, to designate the Elwha and Nisqually Rivers as Wild Steelhead Gene Banks. The groups strongly urged the agency also …

What happened to my summer runs?

In Science Friday, Steelhead Files, Washington by Shauna Sherard

    Editors note: This is the first in a multi-part series looking at both the decline and recovery of wild steelhead runs.    By Bill Herzog Here I am, as far into the corner of eastern Washington as you can get, waist deep in the mighty Snake River, two hander whooshing around me every few minutes. I’m immersed, literally …

What “once was” may still come for steelheaders

In Oregon by steelheaders

As steelheaders, we’re all familiar with conventional wisdom about steelhead fishing.   The fishing isn’t what it used to be.   You should have been here 50 years ago.   Stories of huge fish and numerous multiple fish days, of fishing places that no one else had fished for weeks, or months. Tales of what once was, all centering around …

Happy Birthday Wild Steelheaders United

In Alaska, California, Idaho, Oregon, Washington by Shauna Sherard

By Shauna Sherard We made it. One year. 365 days passed. 365 steps toward a better future for steelhead. One year down. So many to go. There are those who thought we were crazy. Crazy in what we believed. Crazy in our attempt to unite anglers, to try to solve allegedly unsolvable problems that had plagued steelhead rivers for decades. …

Finishing the job

In Oregon by Shauna Sherard

By Rob Masonis Darn lucky. That is what I consider myself for having been able to make a living for more than two decades protecting and restoring the great steelhead and salmon rivers of the Pacific Northwest. The muscular, jaw-droppingly beautiful rivers themselves have provided plenty of inspiration for my work. But the wild steelhead that swim in their waters …