Next week, WDFW hosts the second town hall in a series of meetings for the planning of the coastal winter steelhead season on Washington’s coast.
Update on Oregon South Coast Steelhead Management Plan
Last Friday, the ODFW Commission met to discuss the Rogue-South Coast Plan. The virtual meeting was open to the public and many anglers, guides and elected officials showed up to comment. Out of fifty comments focused on the issue of harvest, thirty-seven people testified in support of a catch and release alternative.
What You Can Do to Help Wild Steelhead of Oregon’s South Coast
Throughout their range, the odds have not been looking good for wild steelhead and in many cases ODFW and other agencies are taking steps to prioritize the long-term health of wild steelhead, as seen with closures to the Columbia Basin tributaries in Oregon. So, why won’t ODFW apply the same level of caution when it comes to the issue of harvest in Oregon’s south coast?
The Unexpected Advocate Who Saved Southern California Steelhead
Pete Xander, a southern California resident, negotiated a permit for the expansion of a sewage treatment plant on upper Malibu Creek and prevented extinction of the southern steelhead.
The Consequences of Not Being Seen
Our Alaska team reports back on their work this spring observing steelhead using available habitat and our efforts to document that use for species inclusion in Alaska’s Anadromous Waters Catalog.
Wild Steelhead Harvest: Biological or Social Issue?
In the final installment of our five-part series on Oregon’s Rogue-South Coast Plan, we recap some of our previous concerns and make the case why we believe wild steelhead harvest on Oregon’s coast must end.
Coquille Bass Blitz – Revisited
Wild Steelhead Initiative Manager, Dean Finnerty, and his son recently assisted ODFW with electro-fishing on the Coquille River, one of Oregon’s finest salmon and steelhead waters. ODFW’s electro-fishing efforts help remove non-native species that adversely affect native fish.
Anglers, hunters and outdoor recreation companies to Biden administration: The dams must come out
This month, Trout Unlimited joined dozens of fish and wildlife groups and major outdoor recreation companies in calling on the Biden administration to develop a comprehensive solution to the collapse of salmon and steelhead populations that includes removing the four dams on the lower Snake River and investing billions of dollars in a reimagining of infrastructure in the Northwest.
Winning the Ecological Lottery
In this week’s installment of a five-part series into steelhead biology and fishery management, we dive into a discussion around life history diversity and how it relates to estimating habitat capacity.
What Is a Stock-Recruit Model? And Why You Should Care
In the third installment of our five-part series on the Rogue-South Coast Plan, we look into how scientists and managers most commonly estimate if harvest is appropriate for a certain population and at what level. This is generally done with modeling, which is nothing more than taking all of the data that is available for a certain population and combining it with a little bit of math and a few assumptions.