ODFW’s effort to understand and reduce the threat of smallmouth bass is critical for sustaining native fish populations and fisheries in the Coquille Basin.
How the distribution of adults impacts density dependence and mortality in juveniles, and why it is important to escapement goals
Nick Chambers provides a more in depth discussion on the intricacies and quirks of density dependence, why adult spawning distribution is a key consideration, and how those attributes are important to evaluating density dependence and estimating escapement goals.
The Biology of Harvest
In the first of our five-part series, Nick Chambers discusses why density dependence is important to fishery management and how density dependence is used to understand production potential of habitat and to develop escapement goals.
For the First Time in My Life
For the first time in my life, I won’t be skating flies over glassy tailouts for summer steelhead this year on my beloved North Umpqua River. That’s because the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife has closed this legendary fishery until December due to extreme low flows and dangerously high water temps.
Forest Service announcement is great win for the Tongass National Forest and wild steelhead
By ending industrial old-growth logging and investing in restoration, USFS protects both known and unknown steelhead habitat.
Speak up for wild steelhead of Oregon’s South Coast
A new plan released by the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife for managing wild steelhead fisheries on Oregon’s southern coastal streams has generated strong reactions from wild steelhead anglers and advocates.
Planning set to begin for Washington coast winter steelhead season
This week, WDFW kicks off the coastal winter steelhead season planning with the first in a series of virtual town halls.
Guaranteed: they will come back
Wild Snake River salmon and steelhead are on the brink of extinction, but we can bring these incredible fish back to abundance. Tackling the most ambitious river restoration project in history with the goal of redeveloping and reinvigorating the Northwest economy is not a challenge, it is an opportunity.
The River Democracy Act brings crucial protections for the overall health of watersheds
The River Democracy Act safeguards some of Oregon’s most famous steelhead and salmon rivers, as well as headwater streams that are crucial to the overall health of watersheds.
Rogue-South Coast Management Plan: Public Comment
After more than two years of development, the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife (ODFW) recently released its Rogue-South Coast Multi-Species Conservation and Management Plan (RSP) for public comment. We have the scoop on what’s in it and how you you can speak up on behalf of wild steelhead.